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Tracy Pepe über olfaktorische Szenografie

POSTED 29.01.2015

„Düfte können einen Raum kleiner oder größer erscheinen lassen.“ (Tracy Pepe)


In PLOT#10 drehte sich alles um die Macht des Klangs, was aber vermag ein Duft in uns auszulösen? „Über den Geruchssinn haben wir die direkteste Verbindung zu unseren Emotionen.“ – Dies ist zumindest die Meinung der kanadischen Parfümeurin und Duftdesignerin Tracy Pepe, die seit über 20 Jahren Duftmarken für Interieurs bekannter Lifestyle-Marken entwickelt. Sie ist damit die Vorreiterin auf einem noch unterschätzten Terrain der Rauminszenierung: der olfaktorischen Szenografie. Jeder Mensch sei dazu in der Lage, Farbe zu riechen, Musik zu sehen, Formen zu hören und Geschmack zu fühlen – das geschehe ständig und automatisch aber zumeist unbewusst. Sind wir also alle Synästhetiker ohne es zu wissen? PLOT fragt nach.

Die Fragen stellte Anne Horny.


Tracy Pepe, who do you work for?

My main client base consists of architects and designers, branding firms, and builders. I deal directly with some brands such as the Toronto Trump International Hotel, Samsung, Remington Homes, and the Intercontinental Barclay Hotel NY.


Does smell shape what we see, feel, hear or even think?

Yes! Scent impacts our limbic system directly. As well, some scents impact how we feel from the perspective that scents can change how we feel, make us relaxed, stimulated, if a space seems smaller or larger. The intensity of scent impacts the other emotions, when you include scent with another emotion the impact becomes much stronger.


Is it a matter of fashion or a human condition if we like a smell or dislike it?

Both, but intensity of a scent really determines if you like it or not, the context you smelled the scent is very important and finally some can influence people to like a scent because they like the brand or space.


Our last issue – PLOT#10 – was about the power of sound. Do particular sounds have a particular smell to you? Can you give an example?

Yes I did an exhibit, Déjà vu, at the Toronto IIDEX show combining scent, colour, taste and sound. Synesthesia was inspiration for this exhibit and is defined as a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. I will be presenting the scents/colours at the German Interior Designersʼ Day in Stuttgart this february. The scent bar will feature the smell of colour but back to your questions, I also have the sounds that were created. Scent is a frequency and is translated the same way sound is heard. Scent and sound work on vibration.


When did you discover your love of scents?

I discovered it in my early twenties when I started my career in spa management. I learned I loved the scents, materials that I worked with more than the individuals I applied them to in spa treatments. From there I discovered perfumery and I have been studying ever since. However, my love was really re-connected when my father passed away six years ago. He was a collector of fine menʼs fragrances and when I came to pick up the bottles after the estate was settled, I cried for days. I can feel, see and hear my father with a single whiff … so now smelling is really strong for me for it keeps him alive.

Tracy Pepe, thank you very much for sharing this!


Zur Person

Tracy Pepe ist Parfümeurin, Duftexpertin, Autorin des Buchs „So, What’s all the Sniff about?“ sowie Erfinderin eines Dispersionsmechanismus für Raumduft und erlebt die Welt hauptsächlich mit ihrer Nase. Sie ist immer wieder als Rednerin auf Messen wie der Globalshop oder der Buildex gefragt und schreibt zudem Fachartikel über olfaktorische Raumgestaltung. Hauptberuflich widmet sie sich Nose Knows Design, ihrer Agentur für olfaktorische Markenführung.

 Tracy Pepe über ihre Arbeit als Duftdesignerin



Yianni Tong >